Household products

Reviews and ratings of household goods: vacuum cleaners, washing machines, irons, steamers, air conditioners, heating radiators, split systems, air humidifiers, showers, fireplaces, sewing machines, etc. The best manufacturing companies.


Reviews and ratings of mobile phones and smartphones. Overview of phones with the most powerful battery, with the best camera, with an optimal ratio of price and quality. The best smartphones up to 10,000 and up to 20,000 rubles. Rating of mobile phone manufacturers.


Reviews and ratings of products in the electronics section: televisions, audio equipment, video and photo cameras, e-books, headphones, car radios, projectors. Comparison of popular manufacturers. Rating the best TVs at 30, 40, 55 and 65 inches.


Reviews and ratings of goods in the sections of computer equipment and software. Tablets, laptops, hard drives, monitors, keyboards, memory cards, modems, printers. The best browsers, antiviruses, graphic editors, etc. The basics of choosing a computer technique, a comparison of popular models.

Kitchen appliances

Reviews and ratings of the best models of kitchen appliances: refrigerators, hobs, ovens, multicookers, steamers, blenders, coffee machines, dishwashers, toasters, gas stoves, dryers, microwave ovens, etc. Ratings of the best manufacturers of kitchen appliances.

health and beauty

Reviews and ratings of goods in the category of beauty and health: hair dryers, epilators, electric razors, tonometers, clippers, contact lenses, massagers, floor scales, toothbrushes, creams, shampoos, gels, etc. Comparison of the best manufacturers.

Construction and repair

The best products for construction and repair: grinders, perforators, drills, screwdrivers, jigsaws, electric planers, spray guns, welding inverters, laser levels, thickness gauges, multimeters, milling cutters. Reviews and ratings. Reviews, comparison of manufacturers.

Garden equipment

Reviews and ratings of products for the garden and the garden: trimmers, lawn mowers, tillers, sprayers, power saws, chainsaws, cultivators, pumps for the well. User reviews, manufacturers comparison.


Ratings of plant varieties for cultivation in the open and closed ground. A selection of varieties for the suburbs, middle zone, southern Russia, the Urals, Siberia, the Leningrad region. The best fertilizers, varieties of flowers, fruit plants, vegetables, potatoes, and so on.

Goods for kids

Review and rating of products for children: strollers, scooters, playpens, car seats, breast pumps, cribs, radio nannies, bicycles and so on. Reviews and ratings. User reviews, manufacturers comparison.

Auto and Moto

Reviews and ratings of products in the category of auto and moto: motorcycles, scooters, engine oil, alarms, tires, DVRs, navigators, radar detectors, radio, breathalyzers, batteries.

Sports and recreation

Reviews and ratings of goods for outdoor activities and sports: bicycles, scooters, roller skates, boat motors, boats and catamarans, echo-sounders, rods, spinning rods, metal detectors. Ratings of the best models. Video reviews, comparison of manufacturers. User Reviews.


Reviews and ratings of the best heating boilers, water heaters, voltage stabilizers, gas generators, video surveillance and security systems, industrial and agricultural equipment, etc.


Reviews and ratings of the best products and brands from the popular AliExpress platform (AliExpress). Phones, electronics, smart appliances, products for children, car accessories and more. Overview of unusual products, interesting new products from Chinese suppliers


Browse the best gifts for all occasions: birthday, wedding, anniversary, child birth, wedding anniversary, new year, March 8, February 14, original gifts. Gift ideas in categories: children, husband, wife, mother, girlfriend, boyfriend, beloved, beloved, etc.


Ratings and selection of the best books on various topics: psychology, business, self-development, literature, science fiction, detective stories, humor, for children, books as a gift. Useful and most readable books, bestsellers.

Means and preparations

Review of effective drugs and drugs for the treatment of diseases, ailments, to combat obesity. Creams, ointments, gels, herbs, pills, serums, sprays, folk remedies, vitamins, pregnancy tests and more. The best means and preparations for the fight against insects and pests.


A selection of the best service companies: cinemas, restaurants, coffee shops, shops, beauty salons, private schools, dentistry, clinics, fitness clubs, hotels, night clubs, etc.


Reviews and ratings of the best places to stay. Ratings of hotels, hotels, water parks, recreation centers. The most popular tourist destinations: Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam, Crimea, Sochi, Greece, Cyprus, Tunisia, India, the United Arab Emirates, etc. - ratings of the best products and services. We create interesting collections of products, brands, services, online stores, gifts, books, etc. We take into account the cost, technical characteristics, popularity, reliability, availability, quality, user reviews and other indicators. To determine the best companies we vote among our visitors. Welcome and successful choice!